mercredi 27 avril 2016

The Cure 2014-05-30 - Napa, CA (AUD/FLAC)

Ture - 2014-05-30 - Napa, CA (AUD/FLAC)

The Cure - 2014-05-30 - Napa, CA
(Audience FLAC)

Bottlerock Festival - Toshiba Stage

SP-CMC-8 (w/Mods) > SP-SPSB-11 (95Hz Roll Off) > SONY PCM-M10 > Sandisk MicroSD Card (16gb - Class 10)

.WAV > Adobe Audition 5.5 (normalize/amplify) > CD Wave (Track Splits) > Trader's Little Helper > Flac (Level 8)

01. Intro
02. Shake Dog Shake
03. Fascination Street
04. alt.end
05. The End of the World
06. Lovesong
07. Sleep When I'm Dead
08. Push
09. In Between Days
10. Just Like Heaven
11. Catch
12. Before Three
13. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
14. Pictures of You
15. Lullaby
16. High
17. Never Enough
18. Wrong Number
19. The Caterpillar
20. The Walk
21. Mint Car
22. Friday I'm in Love
23. Doing the Unstuck
24. Bananafishbones
25. Want
26. The Hungry Ghost
27. One Hundred Years
28. Give Me It
29. (encore break #1)
30. A Forest
31. (encore break #2)
32. The Lovecats
33. Hot Hot Hot!!!
34. Let's Go to Bed
35. Freakshow
36. Close to Me
37. Why Can't I Be You?


I had missed the Cure back at Coachella in 2009, and really regretted it, therefore when I saw the 2014 Bottlerock lineup get announced, I said to myself "no way in bloody hell am I'm going to miss the Cure now" (despite all the trouble and badmouthing this festival received the previous year). I actually find it very cool that I finally got to see the Cure in my hometown where I grew up and lived for 25 years, and on the same field that I use to attend summer fairs at. Sadly, and likely due to the festivals previous troubles and most Napans having bad taste, the crowd wasn't very big for the Cure (the festival wasn't crowded at all on Friday actually), but those who were there were definitely into it and excited. Some perhaps into too much, as I found myself stuck next to some annoying "winos" (as I'll call them - rich soccer moms perhaps?) yapping a bunch, then stuck behind a screamer who wanted to film EVERY FUCKING SONG on hisSamsung Galaxy right in front of me....but luckily I also found myself next to a fellow DIME user (sorry I forget your name!) who helped block and quieted the talkers, and even told the dude in front of me to stop filming. I'm forever grateful to ya for that, so this recording is dedicated to ya, (and all the other Cure fans of course).

You couldn't have asked for a better Cure show in my opinion...they played until the bitter end (as they always do at festivals) and had the sound cut off on them at exactly 10pm (stupid Napa curfew...would it hurt to run til 11pm on Friday and Saturday??) in the midst of their second encore, which meant the third encore of "Boys Don't Cry" never happened, oh well, I really would have loved to hear that song live once though (along with "Faith", but I knew the odds of that happening were slim to none).

I also ran this show with my new microphones (after my old ones took a shit at Coachella this year, or so I thought). My old mics actually work fine, and it was the battery box that had died instead. So the rest of the weekend was ran on the old mics...but the new mics got the Cure


mirror: <- new link 16/06/2015

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